When is the best time to have newborn photos taken?
Every newborn photographer will tell you there is only a short window of time for capturing true newborn photos. In reality, any age up to about six weeks old counts as ‘newborn’, but the older your baby is the less likely it is that he or she will sleep soundly and...
5 awesome reasons to find out your baby’s sex!
The question over whether to find out your baby’s sex can be a divisive one. If one of you wants to find out and the other does not, it can be hard to find common ground because, let’s face it, who could keep a secret like that from their partner for months and...
5 top reasons to NOT find out the sex of your baby
When you are pregnant one of the few decisions you have real control over is whether you are going to find out the sex of your baby. It’s remarkable to think that just a generation or so ago, having an ultrasound scan and being able to find out the sex of your baby...
3 reasons to book a newborn photo shoot while you’re pregnant!
When you’re expecting a baby, there are so many things to research, plan for and buy that it really pays to be organised, especially when it comes to a newborn photo shoot. With midwife appointments to attend, the nursery to decorate, baby equipment to shop for and...