Having a photo shoot of your pregnancy or with your newborn baby can be a deeply personal experience. It’s capturing a special moment in your life that you’ll never get back, and the photos ensure you’ll always have incredible memories to look back on.
Most likely, you want to celebrate this magical time by sharing some of those beautiful photos with friends and family on social media.
Sharing with family and friends
Thankfully every image that you purchase with Victoria Rowe Photography includes a matching digital file sized perfectly for uploading to Facebook or Instagram, or even emailing to relatives. The beauty of modern technology is that all your favourite people can share in your new baby love, no matter where in the world they are! And who doesn’t love cute photos of teeny tiny babies?
A handy app for your phone or tablet
You also get a super handy personalised app to install on your phone or tablet that features all the images you’ve bought, so you can quickly whip it out of your changing bag (or back pocket) and start bragging about how delicious your baby is! No need to scroll back through the thousands of snaps in your camera roll of your baby sleeping soundly on your chest (and that’s just the ones you took this week, while happily trapped on the sofa: Netflix for the win!) – they’re right there, easy to access and show off to anyone who shows even the slightest interest in this amazing human you’ve just created. As a bonus, you can send the link to both sets of grandparents so they can install the app too: it’s super easy, even for the biggest technophobes.what
Private moments just for you
On the other hand, there may be some images or memories that you want to keep just for you and your partner. Maybe I captured a really private moment between the two of you after a long battle with infertility, or together we created a series of elegant nudes celebrating your pregnant body that are destined purely for the bedroom wall or a private album in your bedside table.
These are your images, and you get to choose who gets to see them.
Choose where your images are seen
Now it goes without saying that I love being able to share my work with the world, whether that’s on my website, Facebook page, on Instagram or Pinterest. In fact, there’s a good chance that’s how you first found me and made the awesome decision to choose me for this incredible photography experience. It’s also vital for helping me promote my business.
But I have many clients who have made the decision not to upload any images of their children online, or who simply aren’t allowed to for legal reasons. I want to reassure you that as a valued client your wishes will always be respected and I will never share any images online without your consent.
In practice, this means that once your session is complete and you’ve chosen the images you want to keep forever, I’ll ask you to fill in and sign a simple form outlining exactly which images you are happy (or not happy) for me to share – and where – in line with today’s privacy laws.
Proud to share with the world
It might be that you are thrilled for me to share all the photos from your shoot online. The experience of giving birth can change you in ways you never imagined and you may have become a fierce warrior mama who is proud of her tiger stripes. Growing a baby inside you for nine months is no mean feat and – stretch marks or not – something to be celebrated.
But if you’re more the shy, retiring type and want to keep your maternity photos off the internet, that’s fine too.
Privacy is a personal choice
Even if you don’t want photos of your baby going online, there’s a good chance you’re comfortable allowing close-up images of your newborn girl’s tiny little toes, those incredible eyelashes or those beautiful lips to be shown, because there’s no way your baby can be identified from them. Or you might be happy with Pinterest, but Facebook is a big no in your world.
The beauty of it is that you don’t have to make any decisions until you have seen the images from your session for yourself and it’s not an all or nothing approach. You can decide differently for each image I’ve captured for you.
Time to book your own photo shoot?
If you’d like me to create beautiful images of you and your family, whether that’s because you’re expecting a baby, or you’ve been putting off capturing portraits of your family because you can never quite find the time to get started, there is no time like the present. Your family will never be as young and as fresh as they are today so go here NOW and pick a good time for me to call you.
We’ll have a quick no obligation chat about how I can help you get the beautiful images you desire and if you like what you hear we can get started on planning your unique experience with me.